Personal insurance
Des solutions d’assurance et de prévoyance pour vos employés

Insurance and pension plan solutions for your employees

Your independent activity can lead you to hire staff. As an employer, you then have the obligation to insure your employees for accidents (LAA) and for old age, death and disability (LPP). Supplementary insurances are also strongly recommended. This is the case of insurance for loss of earnings for illness which is intended to avoid financial precarity for your employees in the event of a long illness and, for you, to be able to budget and transfer this risk to an insurer. We will work with you to optimise the insurances and pension provisions for your employees in a cost-effective way for you.
Our counsellors can also provide support to your employees for their private insurances : individual pension provisions, compulsory health insurance and supplements, civil liability, household, motor-vehicle, etc.

Our personal insurance services

Accident insurance

Accident insurance is compulsory for employees working in Switzerland according to the Law on Accident Insurance (LAA). This insurance covers medical care and the loss of earnings of those who have suffered a professional or non-professional accident, or a professional illness. It covers 80% of the salary as of the third day of the inability to work following an accident. Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care can help you to choose and implement accident insurance coverage for your employees.

Learn about our Caredesk Absences: our team of multilingual managers specialised in absence management, provide reports to your HR services and manage disputes with insurance companies.

Occupational pension plans

As an employer, you are subject to the LPP, the Federal Law on Occupational Pension Plans for Old Age, Survivors and Disability, and must therefore affiliate your employees to a pension plan institution (LPP Art. 11.1). Unlike the AVS, where contributions are set by law, the LPP gives you great freedom of choice as long as the minimal benefits in favour of the insured employees are respected. Faced with the multitude of offers from pension funds, making a choice is a real challenge. Our pension fund experts can guide you through the complex world of occupational pension plans and provide you with solutions specially conceived for independent employers.

Loss of earnings for illness insurance

According to the Code of Obligations, you are obliged to continue to pay your employees when they are ill. Although it is optional, the insurance for loss of earnings in the event of illness discharges you from this legal or contractual obligation to pay the salary. It guarantees the employee’s income, even in the event of long-term incapacity to work due to illness.

Thanks to a market call for tender, we can find you the best solution and provide you with support during its implementation.

The consequences of an absence for illness are often a burden for employers, particularly in financial terms. Replacing the salary is among the costs. According to Art. 324a of the Code of Obligations, the employer must continue to pay the salary of an employee who is ill. The length of time this payment is to be made is determined according to the scale established by Bern which classifies the obligation to continue payment according to seniority. As well as the financial risk assumed by the employer, this non-transferral of risk to an insurance company makes employees financially and socially insecure. Before the AI and the LPP pension intervene, more than a year could go by without any indemnity. The loss of earnings insurance provides good protection to employees and allows employers to budget for the financial risk of sick leave.

The classic and complete transfer of cases to an insurer after a waiting period is the best solution for independent employers and the liberal professions. Anyone who is absent for more than 14, 30 or 60 days is reported to the insurance company’s claims department. The latter manages the financial aspects, the follow-up of ailments with the attending physicians and the employee’s return to work. This is the optimal model for independents as you can budget and transfer the financial risk relating to absences due to illness. Furthermore, if the policy is profitable, the insurer may grant a surplus participation, i.e. a retrocession of part of the premium.

Health insurance

On your recommendation, our medical expenses experts can guide your employees through the health insurance jungle to optimise their health coverage and that of their families. Thanks to easier and more extensive access to care, medical problems are detected more quickly, resulting in shorter absences.

Private insurances and individual pension provisions

The advantages of subscribing to personal insurances

A made-to-measure service

Customised turnkey solutions for independents and the liberal professions

Expertise offered

Advice from insurance and pension plan professionals

Building loyalty with your employees

Satisfied employees due to being well insured on both professional and private levels

We provide you with support for the management and follow-up of your insurances

As the management of human resources is both complex and constant, Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care places its various Caredesks at your disposal and that of your staff.
Veritable multilingual platforms, Our Caredesks provide flexibility and responsiveness on behalf of HR departments.

Integrated with the company’s processes, our consultants are in constant contact with you to ensure a smooth exchange of information.

Caredesk Payroll and HR Services

A true hotline at your service for payroll management and other HR administrative tasks.

Absences CareDesk

Monitoring of your employees’ absences and claims from A to Z to free your HR department of heavy administrative tasks.

Health insurance

Health insurance solutions for your staff, adapted to your HR strategy.

Insurance and LPP Caredesk

The management of your insurance and pension provisions contracts, to support you as well as your employees in this complex area.

Our Our innovative and original solutions in Switzerland

In order to guarantee a level of excellence in our services, we have designed made-to-measure products for all types of businesses in Switzerland.

The Corporate Benefit Statement

The Corporate Benefits Statement gives companies the opportunity to ascertain how much they pay to each insurer. This analysis then allows them to reduce their expenditures or to fill any gaps in benefits.

The Individual Social Report

The Individual Social Report consists of a detailed analysis, unique in Switzerland, of the social coverage of each of your employees.


Our internally developed software, Unipro, allows simple and efficient management of your employees’ absences due to illness or accidents.

The Abs & Claims Mobile Application

Freedom and flexibility in monitoring absences with our mobile application.

Our advice to go further

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