Do you need cash quickly to launch your independent activity, to purchase material or to finance other expenses linked to your business? Qualibroker-Swiss Risk & Care can help you to find the financing solution that meets your needs and can negotiate the best conditions for you with our network of partners.
Our financing solutions are designed for independents, those who are self-employed and members of the liberal professions.
Those who are independent or active in liberal professions often have difficulty obtaining financing from banking institutions. Why? They lack the necessary securities, such as a monthly income or a permanent employment contract. Even if a loan is granted, they require the payment of high interest rates. We are aware of this problem and of the time-consuming aspect of seeking a loan. Our team can guide you, depending on your needs, to the ideal banking partner offering the best rates.
We can provide you with counselling and professional insurance offers that are adapted to your constraints and budget.
As an independent, have you thought about hedging yourself against the hazards of life? We are here to guarantee your income throughout your working life and to plan financially for your retirement.
Personal pension planning and life insurance are much more than an investment: they are a safety blanket for your family and assets and, if you are an entrepreneur, they ensure the continuity of your business. Here we look at the benefits of some of the different solutions available.
Discover all the key figures relating to insurance and pension
Floods in the canton of Vaud, gale-force winds in the Neuchâtel mountains, a hailstorm in the Valais countryside, and record-breaking heat across the country; Switzerland has experienced extreme weather events that are increasingly severe and frequent, to the extent that insurance capacity for damages caused by natural disasters has become an area of concern.
What if insuring your business became child’s play, and taking out an insurance policy was just a matter of a few clicks? Utopia? Not at all. The dream becomes reality with a framework agreement. Here’s how: