Insurance for individuals
Protégez-vous des accidents de la vie pour anticiper sereinement les imprévus

Insurance broker for individuals

As an insurance broker for individuals, we help you to define your needs regarding insurance and to find suitable solutions in terms of benefits and price. Our experts are there to support you at each step of the way, from the call of tender to the management of your insurance portfolio, not forgetting the negotiation and implementation of your contracts.

Insure my assets

There are numerous insurances for the protection of your assets, both in Switzerland and abroad. Between compulsory insurances and those that are optional, we inform you of the essential coverage you need to efficiently insure everything that belongs to you. Insurance for motor-vehicles, household, civil liability, valuables, travel and repatriation: we can find the solution best adapted to your situation.

Household insurance is optional. However, it is highly recommended as the financial consequences of a disaster can be very heavy. Household insurance covers damages in the event of fire, water damage and theft. In some cantons – Vaud, Fribourg, Jura, Glaris and Nidwald – an insurance against fire and natural events is compulsory.

Choosing my personal insurances

Maladie, invalidité, chômage, litige… Les aléas de la vie peuvent vous toucher gravement, ainsi que vos proches. Pour anticiper au mieux les imprévus, il est nécessaire d’être bien couverts. Nos experts vous aident à mettre en place les solutions d’assurances de personnes optimales et adaptées à votre situation.

By making the right choices between the models of insurance and franchises, substantial savings can be made on your basic health insurance (LAMal). You can save up to 60% of your compulsory health insurance premiums! With the help of a powerful comparative tool, our experts in medical expenses can guide you towards the best solutions to reduce your premiums while maintaining complete coverage.

Supplementary health insurances are there to fill in the gaps in the basic heath insurance. They reimburse certain services or medications that are not assumed by the compulsory care insurance. Their range of care is expanded and improves the quality of services for outpatient treatments: natural medicine, homeopathy, targeted treatments abroad, optical, dental, fitness, etc. Supplementary insurances also allow you to choose semi-private or private coverage in the event of hospitalisation.

Our associated services

Preparing my retirement

Our personalized solutions to plan for your retirement.

Our news

11 Mar 2025
The power of surveys for employer branding

It is in the interests of companies to evaluate the work climate regularly in order to assess its real impact on their performance. By integrating appropriate survey tools, they will be able to identify strong points and areas for improvement, while fostering a culture of care and engagement. In this way, surveys become a real strategic lever to enhance employer branding. An explanation from Lucas Roveda, Training Consultant at Ismat Group.

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Protect your assets and secure the future of your business

Personal pension planning and life insurance are much more than an investment: they are a safety blanket for your family and assets and, if you are an entrepreneur, they ensure the continuity of your business. Here we look at the benefits of some of the different solutions available.

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Key figures 2025

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06 Dec 2024
Insurance in the face of the climate challenge

Floods in the canton of Vaud, gale-force winds in the Neuchâtel mountains, a hailstorm in the Valais countryside, and record-breaking heat across the country; Switzerland has experienced extreme weather events that are increasingly severe and frequent, to the extent that insurance capacity for damages caused by natural disasters has become an area of concern.

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