Fine Art

Fine Art

To make sure your works of art remain sources of pleasure and contemplation, call on the services of professionals for all your insurance needs!

Faites appel à des professionnels pour assurer vos oeuvres d'art et vos objets de valeur

Thanks to our partnership with Artssurance, the only broker specializing in art and value insurance in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, you benefit from the following advantages:

A dedicated department

20 years of experience

Independent management by your side

Flexibility in monitoring

Recognised expertise

An art historian on the team

Customised assistance

Unique conditions

Access to the Lloyd's market

1st Lloyd's broker in Switzerland

Underwriting capacity and claims settlement

Strict management

Defined processes

Confidential handling of your data

Secure storage of your information

  • Inventory and documentation of your collection
  • Establishment of agreed values
  • Regular updating of values
  • Security advising
  • Conservation advising
  • Cover for restoration costs and any capital loss
  • Recommendations regarding loans to museums (loan agreements)
  • Monitoring of packaging conditions for the transportation of artworks
  • Claims management
  • Negotiation of optimum insurance terms
  • Confidentiality guarantee

Our Fine Art team provides cover that is adapted to any collection of artworks:

  • Customised policies
  • "All Risk" insurance
  • Agreed value
  • Projected cover
  • Transportation insurance
  • Insurance for exhibitions and loans
  • Insurance for stays with third parties
  • Free circulation
  • International cover in several risk areas
  • Paintings, drawings, sculptures, lithographs, engravings, photographs
  • Furniture and decorative arts
  • Porcelain
  • Goldware
  • Antiques
  • Primitive art, Asian art, Oceanic art, pre-Columbian art
  • Designer pieces
  • Video works and installations
  • Collectible books and manuscripts
  • Jewellery, watches and furs
  • Wine collections
  • Musical instruments
  • Memorabilia and collectibles of all kinds
  • Etc.
11 Nov 2022

Key figures 2023

Discover the key figures for pension and social insurance in 2023.

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