Unipro, pour une gestion facilitée des absences

Unipro, for easier absence management

Unipro, our in-house software, specifically developed to meet the needs and expectations of client companies, allows us to manage illness and accident absences for all your staff. Its parameters and management procedures will be defined together according to your HR policy and insurance coverage.

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The management of absences digitalised thanks to Unipro

Interfaced with your HR tools and insurers, Unipro automates and facilitates a significant number of administrative tasks while providing HR indicators and a detailed level of reporting

Unipro allows HR departments and your employees to manage planned and unplanned absences.

Unipro’s features

When interfaced with your HR tools and with insurances, Unipro makes a large number of administrative tasks automatic and simple while providing HR indicators and a detailed level of reporting. The management module includes the following functions:

  • Entry of absences (accident & illness) and management of medical certificates from the first day of absence
  • Help in establishing and transmitting accident and loss of earnings due to illness declarations to insurance companies
  • Monitoring to ensure the smooth processing of each case until they are resolved
  • AI coordination on request
  • On-line access to policy holders’ information
  • Accidents declared automatically to your insurance companies
  • Configuration of alerts and automatic notification of the HR team in the event of impact on salaries
  • Management of disputes with insurance companies
  • Automation of communications with our Care Desk Absences

Unipro and its task force

Unipro is the central tool for our Care Desk Absences allowing them to accompany your HR service and staff on a daily basis to follow up on absences. A real hotline at your disposal, the Care Desk Absences is made up of multilingual experts based in Switzerland.

Abs & Claims, the mobile app

We provide your employees with a mobile app that allows them to transmit their medical certificates easily and with complete security.

Our related services

Mastering Absenteeism

Our approach activates the three main challenges for prevention which are absence management, healthcare management and human resource management.

Absences CareDesk

Monitoring of your employees’ absences and claims from A to Z to free your HR department of heavy administrative tasks.

The Corporate Benefit Statement

The Corporate Benefits Statement gives companies the opportunity to ascertain how much they pay to each insurer. This analysis then allows them to reduce their expenditures or to fill any gaps in benefits.

The Individual Social Report

The Individual Social Report consists of a detailed analysis, unique in Switzerland, of the social coverage of each of your employees.

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