Corporate health management
La gestion de la santé, au cœur des enjeux des ressources humaines

Health management, at the heart of human resources issues

Ever-increasing absenteeism, burnout, mobbing, conflictual relationships, stress... the working work is increasingly confronted with these problems. Corporate health management is therefore becoming a key area that organisations must implement at all levels. There are more and more organisations committed to an Environmental and Social Responsibility approach. They prioritise the well-being of their employees and cultivate a positive social environment.

Promoting the physical and mental well-being of employees within an organisation involves several challenges. First of all, the impact on productivity: healthy employees are more likely to show up at work and maintain peak performance. This reduces costs related to absenteeism and reduced productivity.

Additionally, health management helps create a positive work environment, which can increase employee satisfaction, promote retention and attract new talent.

Financially, health-focused initiatives can also reduce insurance costs, while improving overall company profitability.

Our subsidiaries, ISMAT Group, Sulser & Partner and Ucare, offer a global approach, taking into account all aspects linked to corporate health risk management, from the deployment of complete programmes to the implementation of targeted micro-actions.

ISMAT Group solutions for a more relaxed working climate and reduced absenteeism

ISMAT Group offers 3 solutions that work independently or combined depending on your choice. This range of Corporate Health Risk Management (GrSE) services makes it the most comprehensive in Switzerland. Their specialists also offer a very comprehensive training programme intended for different audiences: general management, HR, managers, employees.

Ismat Consulting

Ismat Consulting experts act on the working climate and health prevention.

Their objective: to reduce absences with a collective approach

Their services:

  • Audits - Situation analyses - Surveys
  • Corporate Health Risk Management (GrSE)
  • Development of managerial skills – Training and supervision
  • Advice and support in the implementation of projects and support in the implementation of corrective measures
Find out more about Ismat Consulting

La Clinique du Travail

Experts from La Clinique du Travail intervene as third parties, particularly in proven situations of psycho-social risks.

Their objective: to reduce absenteeism with an individual approach

Their services:

  • Case & Care Management
  • Psychosocial risk management
  • Individual support: trusted person and emergency unit
  • Internal investigations - Mediation
Find out more about La Clinique du Travail


The Biings tool complements our in-house Unipro for absence management.

Its advantage: monitoring absences to better prevent them
Its features:

  • Mapping of Health in the company
  • Workflows for Managers and HR with detection of problematic long-term absences
  • Real-time indicators linked to absences and HR sustainability
  • Administrative monitoring of absences (electronic declaration, sending certificates, monitoring of compensation)
Find out more about Biings

Sulser & Partner

Our multi-skilled team of experts here at Sulser & Partner provide assistance to enable your employees to return to work after illness or an accident.

Our aim

To reintegrate employees permanently and thus to reduce the direct and indirect costs incurred by long-term absence

Our services to corporations and insurance companies

  • Case management for reintegration into working life
  • Job coaching for job retention
  • New placements for career transition

Our services for DI offices

  • Job coaching for job retention
  • We find client companies and supervision in resilience training and work training
  • We are an employment agency offering job application coaching

UCare, the Care Management specialist for an easier return to work

UCare supports and accompanies employees absent due to illness or accident, to facilitate their return to work. Comprising a team of nurses, coaches, psychologists and care management specialists, UCare helps to establish a dialogue with the absent employee and coordinate the various parties involved (employee/employer/insurance company, IV). It also works with a network of medical consultants.

The cost cost of absenteeism

Whether it is short or long term, absenteeism weighs heavily on the company's finances. Several types of costs are identified:

Indirect costs: frequent absences affect productivity and the working climate within the teams.

Direct costs: too much pressure, work overload, a harmful climate are all factors that develop long-term absence. 72% of long-term absences are the consequence of repeated short-term absences.

Replacement costs: to alleviate work overload and allow the company to operate normally, employers use temporary staff. In addition to its cost, this impacts the company culture and affects morale within the teams.

Turnover and recruitment costs: faced with steadily increasing absenteeism, the most talented or high-potential employees leave the company for a more stable organisation.

The costs of APG (loss of earnings compensation scheme) premiums: an increasing absence rate causes the domino effect: premiums rise, the risk profile deteriorates and reserves explode.

For example, for a company with 500 employees experiencing an average absence rate of 5% (i.e. the equivalent of 25 employees absent all year), the associated costs would be as follows:

-    Direct cost of absences: 2.5 million/year
-    Indirect cost of absences: 5 million/year

Source: ISMAT Group

Our news

12 Jun 2019

Sick leave: what solutions are available to transfer the financial risk?

Several solutions are available to help employers meet the legal obligation to replace workers on sick leave. Some of the less well- known ones can resolve these financial problems.

01 Dec 2023

Investing in occupational health: a (much) needed positive action

According to the Job Stress Index for 2022, 30% of Swiss employees feel exhausted. At the heart of this new paradigm we have HR departments, managers and the need to establish a true culture of health within organisations.

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